I’m enjoying my “Snow Day,” tho so far we haven’t had much snow, and I’m starting to think this has really been much ado about nothing. Sigh… But at least I got a day off, and it’s given me a good opportunity to do some work around the house and some on-line research on finding a better cat food. I have some good ideas, and I’m hopeful that Boogins will start showing more improvement soon.

Now. Before tonight. Before the game. The Big Game. One quick word about how it might all turn out: well, if we win, of course that’s great, that’s the best, we’ll be the National Champions! Woo hoo! But if we don’t, I can be philosophical about it. At least we got the *play* for the Championship. Even if we are not crowned the beaurty queen, and are only the runner-up…well, there’s not really so much wrong with that. No one can take away from Alabama that we got THIS far.

But that’s not what I’m expecting. I’m expecting a good game, maybe a close game, but a game from which we will emerge the Champions.

One more comment about the game: whenever we are playing a “Big Game” (like when we played Florida for the SEC Championship), it always strikes me that no matter how big and how important any single game is, it’s still only 60 minutes of football. The game isn’t any longer, the rules aren’t any harder, it’s just a game, like every other game. Somehow that doesn’t seem right, it seems like it should be different, it should be more special. But it’s just a game, like every other game.

And with these thoughts, I leave you with this fine image of our fine quarterback< Greg McElroy:

Tonight, may he have one of his best games ever! (And Mark Ingram too! Heck! And all the players!)


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