Today is my dad’s birthday. He is probably the most frugal person I know…which makes it difficult to buy him a gift. He hates to spend money, and will always seek out the greatest bargain, whether it’s a good price on a used car or buying his shirts from the thrift store. But even worse, he hates to see anyone ELSE spend money — especially on him! His first impulse on receiving a gift is to give it back — not because he doesn’t like it or want it, but because he would rather see the GIVER have the benefit. Or even better, he would rather see the giver return the gift and get their money back, so they can put that money in their own savings account!!!

In that way, I guess you could say my dad is unselfish. In fact, when I think about it, being unselfish is probably one of his outstanding personality traits. Everything he’s ever done has been for the good of his family. We may not have all always agreed with his philosophies or actions, but there can be no doubt that his intention has always been to keep his family as safe, secure and happy as possible.

With all this in mind, one of my birthday gifts to my dad this year will be the following Walk Dowm Memory Lane. So, enjoy, Dad! It’s safe, secure and happy…and completely FREE!!!

I was the firstborn. (Love that wallpaper!)

And I was brought up right.

But there was still lots of time for fun.

And even more fun. This was a family vacation to Florida, before we moved here.

Here are a bunch of us.

And another bunch.

I think one of my dad’s greatest joys has been being a “dzydzyie.”

Man’s best friend.

Hard worker deserves a rest.

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One Response to HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD!

  1. Anonymous says:

    my birthday

    thank you for the lovely tribute. I really enjoyed looking at all the pictures. Love Dad

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