Came into work this morning after an awe-inspiring thunderstorm last night, and this is what we found:

We had a Flash Flood Warning on our weather-scanner last night, and I guess some places did indeed flood. Not our house, thank goodness, but my office has seen quite a bit of water damage. Every square inch of carpeting was sopping wet. The custodial crew was fantastic and got it cleaned up faster and better than I thought would be possible, but it still remains to be seen how much residual mold will develop. I’m hoping this incident will be the jumping off point for replacing all the flooring throughout the office.

Anyway, since we obviously couldn’t work in the office today, me and the other girl found a place down the hall where we at least had one computer and were able to transfer our phones. But honestly, we spent most of the day browsing the internet and reading our novels. There’s not much you can do when you are so displaced.

I’m wondering what we’ll find when we go back in tomorrow. Will our computers even start up after spending the previous night in puddles? Everything is still a bit up in the air.

In a related story: talking with the new girl today, I discovered that her roommate works in the same office as one of my husband’s closest friends. How random is that? I mean, Tuscaloosa may be a smaller town than Fort Lauderdale, but it’s NOT Mayberry where everybody knows everybody else and their uncle. This is random. And at least a little amazing.

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