December is always the busiest month for me at work, and at home it’s pretty busy as well, getting ready for the holidays.  It’s busy, but of course it is also fun.  Well, it’s fun at home.  And at work, the days just fly by.

But now there is just one more day of work, and then a week off.  Woo hoo!  Looking forward to that.  Looking forward to some Christmas celebrations, some cooking and baking, some opening of presents.

Russ and I got ourselves some presents that are NOT a surpise—we went to the store together and bought them already— but we haven’t "opened" them yet.  For instance, we bought a new TV for the bedroom, a widescreen/flat screen.  Looking forward to setting that up in the next few days.

Also, I am getting a new little laptop, one of those tiny "travel" laptops.  Now that Mary is in town, we frequently go to the bookstore to work on our computers, and my old laptop is such a DINOSAUR!  I can’t wait to start operating on my "newfangled" mini-laptop.

All the shopping is done (well, I have one more little thing to get for Russ) and we have a bit more wrapping of presents to do.  But now at last I’m having the impression that we’re going to be able to get everything done.

And I am SOOOOO looking forward to my week off.

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