My eye is starting to feel better. I don’t think it was conjunctivitis, probably just an irritation from something or other. So that’s the good news.
And there is no bad news! At least not today. But something happened this afternoon that just really made me laugh out loud.
Got an email from the “big boss,” about someone in the building getting a promotion. He obviously left out one little word, because the email read like this (and I paraphrase):
I am pleased to announce that so-and-so has been promoted to such-and-such position in the Finance Department. Our Finance Department has never been important to our organization. Please join me in congratulating so-and-so…
WHAT? Never been important?
A few minutes later there was another email, subject: CORRECTION, including the phrase “never been MORE important.” HAHA! Of course that’s what he meant from the start. It was just funny to see that sentence in writing. And it was encouraging to me to know that we little people are not the only ones that make big, embarrassing mistakes.