Russ informs me there are now only 46 days till the start of the football season.  I think in a couple of weeks or so we should begin hearing the band rehearsing in the afternoons.  The other day we were in a store and saw a football banner that shows our mascot, Big Al, looking a lot more….fierce….than we usually see him.  Russ told me this image of Big Al is from the 1970’s.  I love the grimace!

It’s been so hot lately, but when we start thinking about football, that means cooler weather is not far behind.  Cooler weather, clear skies, falling leaves, holidays, and Saturdays when the TV goes on at 8 or 9 in the morning, and doesn’t go off till nearly midnight sometimes.  Football all day long!  So…there are 46 days…and counting…

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