It’s been a good afternoon for Alabama football. We beat Arkansas by a very respectable margin, and better than that, we played well. Last time I wrote about football, I noted that our new quarterback exhibited “poise.” Now I’m noting that not only our quarterback, but the entire team, seems to have developed that elusive quality of “swagga.” (By that I mean “swagger,” but Russ assures me that “swagga” is an acceptable representation of the term.)
Earlier in the week I was listening to Shaun Alexander, one of our former football stars, being interviewed on the radio, and he said “This team certainly has talent, they just lack swagger…they all need to believe ‘Hey! I’m the guy, I can get this done!'” Or something like that.
Well, I think maybe we are there. Or at the very least, getting there.
As Russ says, “I think we have a football team!”