Today I saw…a woman in the Wal Mart parking lot who was wearing her shirt inside out. She wasn’t a punk kid trying to make a revolutionary fashion statement. She was a middle aged woman wearing a white shirt with the black tags clearly on the outside, not the inside. Maybe she had tried on something in the fitting room and didn’t take the time to put herself back together properly. It was weird.
Today I learned…from the vet, that milk is one of the worst things you can give a cat, because it has too much magnesium. Then why do we always have this idea about giving milk to cats? Because they like it! The same way that human beings like chocolate eclairs, but they are not really the best thing for us to eat on a regular basis.
Today I thought…in a perfect world, Lemony Snicket would be real, and Daniel Handler just a bad dream. I tried to read a Daniel Handler novel, and was disappointed to find that it was little more than soft porn. He tried to be inventive, and some of the language was quite good (like Lemony Snicket’s) but as far as I got, it was really just a reasonably well-written dirty book. Lemony Snicket’s writing is so creative and unique, I found it disappointing that Daniel Handler would sink to the lowest common denominator. I expected more from him.
You already know how I feel about NIT PICKING at other peoples mistakes! She probably didn’t realize, but for Pete’s sake! It was probably a mistake…knowing that people are walking around making judgements on every little thing makes me very uncomfortable…I dunno..I just think it is terrible to make a first judgement on someone you don’t even know based on their clothing and/or a mistake! Or even a bad day for that matter! No one is perfect and everyone should be given the benfit of the doubt! lol But as for the milk thing, I guess I can see that…isn’t milk supposed to be good for people only it’s not? I personally dont see the point in milk unless it is Whole. The others just dont taste good and whats worse, they are SEVERELY chemically altered (or rather, chemically treated to get out the fat). And I know what you mean…it is disappointing to see a good artist (actor, writer, etc) do something totally out of character. But I like that quote (“In a perfect world, Lemony Snickett would be real and Daniel Handler just a bad dream”) ‘Tis well said! 🙂
I wasn’t NITPICKING (as you put it)—I was just observing something out of the ordinary. I wasn’t JUDGING. Did I make it sound like I was? Don’t you ever just see something and say, “Hey! You don’t see THAT every day!” If I had seen a squirrel on the roof of Burger King I would have made the same kind of observation. Wouldn’t you?
As for milk, NOBODY is supposed to drink any kind of milk except the YOUNG of the SAME species. Do baby giraffes drink the milk of tigers? Do sheep drink the milk of cows? NO? Then why do we? We are the only species on the face of the planet who drink the milk of another animal. Actually, it’s kind of weird when you think of it—a perversion of nature. Would you go up to a cow and start sucking on its udder? NO? Then why do you drink milk out of a glass? Or eat yougart or cheese (if you want to take it that far)? Not only that, but a cow has how many stomachs? We have only one. Why do you think so many people are lactose intolerant? Human beings drinking cow milk is just NOT supposed to be. Don’t get me started!
Woah! Cows have more than one stomach!?!?!? I never new that. And I know what you mean, but yes, it did sound like you were gawking at her mistake. (Kinda like that list of typos you keep at work) My bad. I know, but there are a million other things we humans eat that are entire perversions of nature. For instance, eggs. We are eating the young of other animals before they are even around! And, corn syrup. So that means goodbye soda and every other substance on the face of the planet practically. And don’t even get me started on how we have found ways to manipulate things like coffee beans and tobacco plants and sugar cane and coco beans.
The fact is, we people eat a lot of things we really were never meant to eat (or never meant to eat in the perverted concoctions and proportions we have devised) but we do so because we like it! Everybody draws the line somewhere. Some people don’t draw the line until after they survive a heart attack or a stroke. I like to think maybe I could learn something from other people’s mistakes, and be a little more careful about what I eat BEFORE I have a heart attack, so in fact I might never have one at all.
And as for learning from other people’s mistakes, by the way, each morning before you head out into the world, check your clothing to make sure it is not on inside out!
I think Whiskas makes a special “cat milk” that is supposed to have the stuff that’s bad for cats taken out of it. I wanted to get some for my cats, but decided not to because we were trying to discourage them from trying to drink milk out of people’s glasses, and I don’t want to confuse them into thinking all milk is okay.
It seems like a lot of my favorite authors end up writing dirty romance at some point in their lives, and I always happen upon it and read it without realizing what it is. I heard somewhere that it was because it’s really easy to get romance books published, or at least a lot easier than other genres. That sort of makes sense, because a romance book is okay as long as it’s written well and has lots of sex and angst and stuff. But in a genre like fantasy, I usually won’t even bother with your average Chosen-One-with-artifact-weapon- and-scantily-clad-elf-posse- on-a-mission-to-save-the-world storyline. That’s why I usually don’t even bother looking through the “regular” fantasy section. I stick more with the youth section, because it’s just more interesting. Wow, I’m off on a tangent. Anyway, I’m glad you said something about Daniel Handler’s book, cause now I prolly won’t even bother reading it. Still disappointing, though.
In the book “Fit or Fat” the author makes the point that ANYBODY can cook delicious food if they use enough sugar and fat. The truly talented chef is the one who can create delicious dishes that do not use (or overuse) those ingredients. Writing is the same way. Writing trash is easy for just about anyone. The truly talented author is the one who can keep it CLEAN and keep it REAL and still keep it INTERESTING.
I totally agree with you by the way on the children’s and youth books. In college I took a few courses on Children’s Literature (by the way, Mary seemed a little shocked to learn that you could actually study “Kiddle Lit”!) and I developed a great appreciation for some of the better works. Any day of the week give me Heidi or The Secret Garden or The Wind in the Willows. Daniel Handler as an example: The Unfortunate Events series is destined to be a classic, don’t you think? His other books may get read, but they will most probably not become “classics.”