I love finding new music. Sometimes I come a little late to the party, but…better late than never! If I’m understanding this correctly, this band, Fall Out Boy, has already disbanded. But they’ve left behind a number of really fun music videos, and tons of good music. Here’s a taste, for those who are so inclined:

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9 Responses to FALL OUT BOY

  1. Daron says:

    I also love finding new music!

    My problem is I’m really into surf and rockabilly, so usually when I find something that’s new to me, they’ve stopped making music decades ago. Like Duane Eddy, Charlie Feathers or the Ventures. But that doesn’t stop me from looking!

    I’ve never really listened to Fall Out Boy, but I liked this video. I’ll have to check them out. Thanks!

    • thathobbitlady says:

      I’m not sure what “surf” is, unless you are referring to Beach Boys type of music? I like that too, but as you say, good luck finding anything new in that style! Still, if there’s anything you haven’t heard yet, good chance You Tube will have it!

  2. Jason Doty says:

    I find the best way to find new music is to go on YouTube and search for groups you like. One you find them, there are usually some similar groups linked on the side. Also, if you like clever video’s check out “Playing for Change.”

    • thathobbitlady says:

      I believe that is how I found this band, by searching for SOMETHING ELSE on You Tube! I’ll have to check out this “Playing for Change” that you mention. Is that also on You Tube?

      • Jason Doty says:

        Yeah! It’s a bunch of street performers recorded all around the world then blended together. The video’s are very fun to watch.

        • thathobbitlady says:

          Yeah! I’ve seen these before. It’s amazing to me to hear these booming fabulous voices coming out of these scruffy street performers! All the talent is NOT necessarily in Hollywood, New York, Nashville, etc. This is good stuff, and lots of fun, and really reinforces how “Music is the international language.” Yeah, I know it’s really math, but music is ALSO the international language, don’t you think?

  3. John says:

    I’ve never watched the show “Glee”, but imagine this is what it is like….yes?

    • thathobbitlady says:

      Haha! Well, not exactly. There are moments in Glee that are somewhat like this, but overall, I would say Glee is…wow…hard to say. Haven’t watched it in a while. I was going to say Glee is like a collection of 1980’s music videos on steroids, but not sure if that covers it. I’ll think some more on this, and try to come up with something snappy! πŸ˜‰

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