It’s 6:30 in the morning, and I just heard a huge plane going overhead. People are beginning to arrive for the weekend. We’ll be hearing planes coming in all day today and early tomorrow. This is the beginning of Homecoming Weekend at the University with the #2 football team in the country. Alabama is steeped in football tradition, and fans and alumni would arrive for Homecoming weekend, even if we weren’t currently second in the nation. It’s just a big deal, and a lot of fun. And there’s nothing wrong with fun.

In other news for this weekend, tonight we are planning to post/publish our 8th episode of The Drawing Room, our Dark Shadows podcast. It’s amazing to me how much we have improved the quality of this broadcast in only eight episodes! It’s never too late to teach an old dog new tricks, and even though Russ and I may be….well, if not “old,” at least “older,” we are having a lot of fun learning all kinds of things about the world of podcasting. And once again I say…there’s nothing wrong with fun.

Finally, this weekend I am also planning to do a good cleanup and rearranging of furniture in the front room. This room is the “catch-all,” and stuff just seems to pile up in there. It’s gotten to the point where I sort of feel it will be difficult to deal with all the stuff, unless I completely rearrange all the furniture. It will give me a good excuse to take everything out the room, sort through it, and put it back in again. Plus, I’m hoping to create an area where we can have another desk in the house. With all our computers and all our projects, another desk would be a good idea!

Well! Looks like a big weekend coming up! Lord willing and the creek don’t rise…lots of fun, and getting stuff done. (I’ll post before and after pics of the room renovation…if it turns out good!)

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