Surgery is Done!

Terry reports:

Mom is done. Dr. Tabulli said they put in a smaller ring. 28-26 cm. 2 cm difference. She has a connective tissue disease which caused a small hole. He repaired it. The disease is related to her shogruns. Will get more info later.

So! So far, so good!

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7 Responses to Surgery is Done!

  1. James says:

    Oh, sounds like it’s the start of good news!!! πŸ˜€ I’m very happy to hear this. I hope she’s able to make a speedy recovery now.

    • thathobbitlady says:

      Having your ribs broken does not sound like fun….but I think if she keeps up the positive attitude she seemed to have before the surgery, that will go a long way towards helping her to recover quickly. Attitude is so much!

      • James says:

        I agree totally. I was telling her this morning that this may not be a fun thing to go through but think about how much better she will feel later on.

        For a short time after her first operation I could really see the difference in her. Going out much more, doing things around the house, not having to take afternoon naps….

        I know if she can get back to that way again she will be delighted. πŸ™‚

        • thathobbitlady says:

          You know that longevity runs in our family, so Mom has potentially quite a few good years of life left in her! It will be good if she can enjoy them in relatively good health.

          I hope by the time I visit in March she will be feeling much better and we will be able to do some things together! Also looking forward to seeing you in March as well….hear you are doing well also with your weight loss! Wish I could report the same. Oh well….maybe a New Year’s Resolution can kick me into high gear!

  2. James says:

    Yes, I agree. What’s the point of having time and money to enjoy life if you can’t because of your health. πŸ™ I know she would love to be able to take more trips to see the twins or maybe go to Disney for a weekend.

    I’m doing pretty good, losing a few pounds a week still and feeling a huge amount better. The pills for anxiety are really starting to kick in and I’m even starting to notice the difference now.

    I wish you luck on losing weight, it’s tough to get started. What’s helping me is I’m not “dieting”, I’m just eating healthy. I don’t have this feeling of it being some temporary thing, this is going to be how I live from now on. πŸ™‚

  3. John says:

    Chris, thanks for the update

  4. Aunt Claire says:

    Hi everyone!Glad to hear the surgery is over. That’s the hard part. Now the prosses of healing begins. It will be a long road back but Dorothy will have her family for help and support. It will be so good to have her back healthy and happy. Thanks everyone. Love,Aunt Claire

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