At Barbara’s request, here is an update on Mom. I spoke with her yesterday morning. She is home from the hospital, and the pacemaker is working good. The main issue now seems to be this urinary tract infection she picked up, which she is fighting with antibiotics. In a few days she will be visiting her urologist to make sure everything is clearing up properly.

She is happy about how the pacemaker is working, but she is tired of “recovering.” It’s been four weeks since the initial operation, and she was hoping to be up and running a little better than she is right now. But hopefully, this will be the last hurdle.

All my best to everyone in the new year!

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One Response to UPDATE ON MOM

  1. Aunt Barbara says:

    Thanks Chris, for the latest on your mom’s condition. I was glad to hear that the pacemaker is working out well, and in due time her urinary tract infection will clear up and she will totally heal.

    She has gone through a long process of recovery and hopefully it will soon be over.

    Thanks again Chris………
    Love, Aunt Barbara

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