This post is not about Mom…it’s about me. I haven’t been feeling well for almost a week now, and today finally I went to the doctor and discovered I have strep throat! So of course I have begun an antibiotic, and will have a couple days off work, so I feel like finally I will be on the mend. The annoying part is that when this began last Thursday, I said to myself, “Hmm…sudden sore throat and fever. Sounds like it could be strep. Maybe I should go to the doctor.” But instead, I went to the internet, where I read somewhere that if your sore throat and fever are accompanied by nasal congestion, then it’s *probably* not strep. So I didn’t go to the doctor. And it got worse. And I suffered with this for several days before getting the official word.

Now, before you think I am a dummy who suffers with worsening sore throat, nasal congestion and fever for several days before going to help, in my defense there have been moments when it seemed like I was on the mend, the fever left, and I felt better. But then I relapsed. It was after the relapse that I decided to go to the doctor.

Anyway, my final word on this situation is a Word of Warning: if you ever have a sudden sore throat and fever, don’t rely on an internet diagnosis. Go to a doctor and find out for sure if it’s strep. Your health is just too important to not know for sure.

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