Just a quick note to say that I have decided to give up couponing, because I just do not have time for it anymore, and it simply isn’t worth the trouble. It has been so liberating to be able to go to the store and buy whatever I need whenever I need it and not say, “Oh no, I can’t buy it now, I have to wait unitl I can come back with my coupons.” I wasted a lot of time clipping and sorting and looking at coupons. I just freed up tons of time for better things.
Also, we do not have TV in our house. Well, we have four TV sets, but we do not have cable, so basically you cannot look at broadcast TV at all. No American Idol, no Desperate Housewives, no game shows, no Weather Channel, etc. It’s pretty weird, I guess, but I really don’t miss it, and the kids tell me they don’t really miss it either. And the really weird part is that I have to wonder how I got anything done at all when I did have TV, because it can be so distracting. Oh wait! That’s right…I’m writing a novel. NOT distracted by TV (or coupons) and achieving a lifelong goal. Hmmm…pretty good tradeoff, if you ask me.
My User Info page quotes Henry David Thoreau: I make myself rich by making my wants few. Right now I feel so incredibly rich that I’m looking to see what is the next thing I can get rid of in my life so that I will have more time for what is really important.
Desperate Housewives is a pretty good show. I saw it once, pretty funny. lol
I don’t miss broadcast TV at all! Honestly, I think most of it is really stupid and simply illustrates the decline of humanity. It makes me sick. But, I do love watching movies and stuff. DVD’s are the GREATEST!!!!
im very proud of you chris for stopping the crazy coupon thing! lol. but you know you should shop at cvs then cuz you dont have to clip coupons there. all you need is a cvs card and you get all the wonderful discounts and whatnot.
wow now im starting to promote them.. odd.