Author Archives: thathobbitlady


So I was going from one thing to another on the internet and somehow I ran into this music video by these guys called Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, and it’s all about shopping at a thrift store, and it’s pretty … Continue reading

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That’s venting. Not TENTING. We do NOT have termites. But we do have a Termite Bond with Terminex and today we were supposed to have our yearly inspection, but it didn’t work out. So I’m venting about how ridiculous this … Continue reading

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Last week I posted how Russ and I are going to do “Saturday Night at the Drive-in,” a festival of B-movies. Lest you think we are total lowbrows, I’m here now to tell you that we are also instituting another … Continue reading

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As I’ve been going through my photos, I’ve found a few videos. I don’t do videos often, but when I do, they’re usually of my kids or cats. Here’s one from Joey’s high school graduation, back in 2005. You can … Continue reading

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Now that football season is over, Russ and I are creating a new tradition of watching a really bad B-movie on Saturday night. Popcorn may be involved. Last week we watched Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women (1968). I … Continue reading

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Well, I did it. I took the big step and ordered a juicer. I’ll be getting an Omega J8006, from Amazon, with two day shipping, so it will be here by Tuesday. I checked with Mary, who knows a lot … Continue reading

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Haven’t done much work on my photos these last few days, but just now I’ve cleaned out my phone and found a few recent photos I feel like sharing, in no particular order. I don’t think I really got a … Continue reading

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I’ve just had a chance to sit down and go through a few more folders in my massive collection of photos, and here are a few more I want to share, from different times in my life:

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The beginning of a new year always brings out a yen to get things organized, and among my many projects, I’ve undertaken to organize all the photographs in my computer. Technology is such that it’s just too easy to take … Continue reading

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We hadn’t seen the sun in weeks. Literally. We’ve had so many dreary days on end, and then for the last week or so, it’s rained every…single…day. But then today something magical happened. The rain turned to snow, and for … Continue reading

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