Author Archives: thathobbitlady


Don’t you just love it when you think something terrible has happened, and then you find out that you are completely wrong? This afternoon, we suddenly lost half our water pressure at the kitchen sink.  All the other faucets were … Continue reading

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Russ informs me there are now only 46 days till the start of the football season.  I think in a couple of weeks or so we should begin hearing the band rehearsing in the afternoons.  The other day we were in … Continue reading

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We are nearly three months out from the tornado.  I say “The Tornado” because in the collective memory of the people of this town,  no other tornado could possibly have earned the title of THE Tornado.  This was The BIG … Continue reading

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Saturday my blow-dryer died a violent death.  It has been making a slight high-pitched “wrrrr”ing noise for a couple of days, but on Saturday the intensity increased and increased until finally there was a loud POP!  And then that was … Continue reading

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As I mentioned last time, Russ and I have been following the Casey Anthony trial, and as everyone knows by this time, the verdict has come back as Not Guilty.  Everyone else has been expressing their outrage and concern, so … Continue reading

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Russ and I have been following the Casey Anthony Trial pretty religiously.  Tomorrow COULD be the big day, the Verdict.  I hate that I have to go to work!  Afraid I might miss it.  This has become quite an event … Continue reading

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With all other things being the same (you haven’t won the lottery or landed the perfect job, you’re not going there to live with your kids or grandkids, or to meet the love of your life, etc.), if you had … Continue reading

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It’s been over two months since the tornado, and we are starting to see some clearing of debris, but not too much yet in the way of rebuilding. Here is a short video of one of the hardest hit areas … Continue reading

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Russ and I saw the new movie Super 8 this afternoon, and it was pretty good. In many ways, it was reminiscent of the folksy sci-fi movies of the 80’s, like E.T. and Close Encounters. As a matter of fact, … Continue reading

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Today Ken is taking the long drive down to South Florida, bringing the cats to their new home.

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