Author Archives: thathobbitlady


Every weekend,I check the on-screen TV “guide” to see what shows or movies might be on that I want to watch or record for later viewing. Today I see that the movie “Paulie” is going to be on a little … Continue reading

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If you’ve been keeping up here at all, you know that Boogie has been having some health problems. Well, last week we took him back to the vet, and he got another shot of B12, and a shot of anti-inflammatory. … Continue reading

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A while back, Disney bought Marvel, or some part of the interest in Marvel. The point is, Disney and Marvel will now be working together. What does this mean for both organizations? With my limited experience, I wouldn’t even begin … Continue reading

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I talked to Joey on the phone the other day and he said something that I found interesting, and that made me feel good. Background: Joey has always lived either with me or with his dad. He’s 22 now, and … Continue reading

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I’m excited because this past week I’ve begun to once again make serious strides towards losing weight and getting healthy. I have a number of strategies I’m using, some old, and some new. One of my strategies, in order to … Continue reading

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Russ and I have been watching Lost. We watch it on DVD, one season at a time. Right now we are in the middle of season five, and six is the last one. This is the kind of show where … Continue reading

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Last week I had opportunity to go into the campus bookstore, which of course has a lot more than just books, and I saw these delightful teapots: I adore them both, but I think I am partial to the one … Continue reading

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Yesterday I finished reading C.S. Lewis’ Perelandra. At some point in the future I will move on to reading the third book in this trilogy, That Hideous Strength. I first read these books in college, so this is a re-reading … Continue reading

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Do you, like me, find it just a wee bit disingenuous when your salad dressing bottle proudly proclaims , “Still only 1 gram CARBS per serving”? Carbs? Really? You mean all this time I should have been concerned with how … Continue reading

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Writer’s Block: Childhood Memories As A Kid

What is my favorite childhood memory of summertime? Family picnics. Big family picnics, in our backyard, or any of our aunt and uncle’s backyards. Playing kickball with all my cousins in the middle of the street. Toasting marshmallows. Late nights … Continue reading

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