Author Archives: thathobbitlady


Why does there never seem to be enough time for the things I want to do? I’m not talking about ALL the things I want to do. Just some of them. Maybe even one thing, something as simple as writing … Continue reading

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Wow, I’m not really keeping up here very well, am I? Well, part of the reason is that last week I was on vacation in Florida. Really, it was two weeks ago now. I’ve been back home and back and … Continue reading

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I’m impressed…

I’m impressed by people who can play the piano with both hands. I’m impressed by truck drivers who can take sharp turns without jack-knifing. I’m impressed by Japanese chefs who can juggle food and fling a piece of cooked chicken … Continue reading

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you know your library card number by heart. 🙂 (I do.) Oh, and btw: I finally got my knapsack from China YESTERDAY. It took a long time, but it was worth it, because it is exactly right.

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This is just about one of the coolest things I have ever seen on the internet. My thanks to Mary for finding this and passing it on. Click here for the video, The Poetry of Reality, or any of the … Continue reading

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A short time ago I happened to see this on TV and found it quite amusing. Before you watch, you might like to know that once upon a time Robert Downey Jr. portrayed Charlie Chaplin in a movie. The rest … Continue reading

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Let me start be saying that this is going to be somewhat of a rant. Read at your own risk. *** A few weeks ago I wrote here about a new show I’ve been watching called My Life as Liz. … Continue reading

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It bothered me that when I posted last time about the inaccuracies on our local newscast, I could not remember more specific examples. So yesterday, amidst watching the Olympics, I stopped to look at the news for about twenty minutes. … Continue reading

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The local newscast we watch each morning has as its slogan: “Where Accuracy Matters.” Well, I don’t think anyone would argue that we would all like our news reports to be accurate, but don’t you think that if you make … Continue reading

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On the News this morning we heard that they are opening a Dunkin Donuts in Pelham, which is about an hour’s drive from here. Yippee! Not that I NEED Dunkin Donuts, but I do miss having it around. (This is … Continue reading

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