Author Archives: thathobbitlady

Writer’s Block: Priorities

Honesty. Cos if you can’t trust the one person you’re closest to, then what’s the point of anything? And what’s the point of even talking to someone, if you can’t know for certain that you can believe what they say? … Continue reading

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Almost every day at work, when I come back from lunch, I find that my computer is taking a sort of “siesta,” slowing down to about the speed of those turtles on the Comcast commercials. The other day, I decided … Continue reading

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I know it’s been a really long time since I’ve written here. As I explained in my last entry, Russ and I have been rather pre-occupied with the search for a new home. That’s really no excuse, though. Life needs … Continue reading

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New Home!!

Well, we finally did it, we found our dream home! About ten months ago, on the very first day we started going to Open Houses, we saw a house with a particular floorplan that we really liked. In all the … Continue reading

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It was the proverbial “nail-biter” but well worth it in the end. The Alabama Crimson Tide is now 10-0 and headed for the SEC Championship. Woo hoo!!!!! If it’s against the University of Florida, who am I going to root … Continue reading

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Writer’s Block: Reconsidering Children’s Books

Several years ago I re-read The Catcher in the Rye, which I had originally read as a teenager. When I read it as a teenager, I thought Holden Caulfield was SO COOL!!! When I read it in my 40’s, he … Continue reading

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I work with a woman who is always moaning about how she doesn’t have enough money. After knowing her for a year and a half, I’m convinced that this is not so much about her not making enough money as … Continue reading

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Last Sunday we saw another house in the neighborhood we most like. It recently occurred to me that since we are only four to six months away from our plans to buy a house, the house we actually end up … Continue reading

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WE’RE….DEBT-FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

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I Wish You Could Hear This

Autumn has always been my favorite season, but even moreso since I’ve moved to Alabama. For one thing, the weather cools off faster and more dramatically than it does in South Florida, and soon enough we’ll have colored leaves. Just … Continue reading

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