Author Archives: thathobbitlady


We’ve had a good start to this year’s season on Alabama football! Last weekend was a real test for us, playing Texas A&M, the only team that beat us last year. But this year…we got the better of them, and … Continue reading

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Last time I wrote about Tessie finding her way back to me. She’s such a happy little imp, and so adorable, that when she expressed an interest in finding some of her old friends, I couldn’t bear to say no. … Continue reading

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I can never remember how these things get started, but a short while ago I found myself on E-Bay looking for this Memory card game from when I was a kid. Now, Memory has been around for ages, with all … Continue reading

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Right now I have about 500 pictures in my phone. I kid you not. I went through them recently and right off the top was able to remove about 40 or 50, but there are still tons more that have … Continue reading

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MeMe Goes to Heaven

Thirteen years ago Russ’ Mom got a diagnosis of cancer, and lived with it bravely, until it got the best of her. Friday morning at 4 am, in Hospice Care and heavily medicated against the pain and nausea that had … Continue reading

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The following is a RANT. Don’t read it if you’re looking for something light and happy and airy. But do read it if you, like me, are feeling discouraged by modern life. Perhaps something I say here will inspire you, … Continue reading

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This past week Russ and I ate dinner at Schlotzsky’s three nights in a row. Yep! But here’s the great part: we only spent about $11 for both of us to eat dinner for three nights! Schlotzsky’s is having a … Continue reading

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Today is the first day of Summer, and that’s good news. Not because I love Summer. Actually, Summer is my least favorite season. Having spent so much of my life in the South, it’s already hot enough, thank you very … Continue reading

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I meant to write about our vacation as soon as we got back, but it’s been over a week now, and I am only just now finding the time. It’s starting to really amaze me that for someone who lives … Continue reading

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This was many years ago, of course. More than 15 I would imagine, but less than 20. I’ve always loved this picture of Joey. I posted this picture because I knew we were getting ready to visit Universal with Joey. … Continue reading

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