Category Archives: Uncategorized


I know a lot of dieting philosophy discourages the use of the scale. It’s true that muscle weighs more than fat, so the scale should not be considered the ultimate indicator of success. I understand all that, but at the … Continue reading

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Every now and then I run into signs that truly baffle me. Here are a couple more: Okay, first this container of Bacos that advises you to “Refrigerate After Opening…for added freshness and convenience.” Now, it’s always been my understanding … Continue reading

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For quite a while now we’ve been hearing that the world is coming to an end in December 2012, because the ancient Mayans predicted it. Mostly, I think, we hear this from authors featured in Doomsday documentaries on the History … Continue reading

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It’s been a month since I stopped eating flour and sugar and I’ve lost ten pounds. TEN POUNDS. In one month!! And I don’t feel like I’m dieting at all. This is wonderful! I am so inspired to continue. We’re … Continue reading

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This weekend the movie The Avengers is coming out, and as big fans of Marvel Comics, Russ and I are of course planning to go see it. In preparation for the big event, we decided to have a mini movie … Continue reading

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Today is Joey’s birthday, and he has also recently moved into a new place, so over the last couple of weeks we’ve sent him a few gifts. One of the things we got him was a set of Pyrex bowls … Continue reading

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Had a busy and productive day! Returned my library book before going into work, then finished up my portion of the quarterly reports this morning. At lunch I bought and mailed a birthday card for Ken, and after work Russ … Continue reading

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I’m always looking for ways to save money, so recently we’ve begun hanging clothes on the line in the backyard, to see if that might reduce our the electric bill. This past month, the bill was $6 lower than last … Continue reading

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I’ve just finished mopping the kitchen floor and waiting for it to dry before going back in the kitchen to prepare lunch, so I thought I’d post here, and I got the idea to pull some recent photos. These are … Continue reading

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This morning we were out in the backyard hanging a load of laundry and got swooped and buzzed by a hummingbird! I put out the feeder a little over a week ago and have only seen one bird feeding so … Continue reading

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