
Why is it that some words which have completely different meanings from each other appear so similar? Why is it North…and South? Both five letters, both ending in “th.” When you are traveling 40-50 miles and hour and need to know which exit to take, sometimes it’s hard to quickly tell the difference between “North” and South.” Same goes for “East” and “West.” But most of all…why is it “now” and “not”? One little letter can make a world of difference.

You should never eat or drink anything that is BLUE. Food is just not supposed to be blue (except for blueberries, which really look more purple, and purple food is fine to eat.)

When paying with cash at a store, always SAY the amount of money you are handing to the cashier when you expect to get change back. This way, if the cashier thinks you handed over a $5 bill instead of a $10 bill, you will have your verbal “Out Of Ten Dollars” still hanging in the air to help make sure there are no mistakes made on the return of your change, either intentional or accidental.

When you wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, always find the edge of the toilet with the back of your knees so you know where to sit down and don’t fall off the edge.

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