Tag Archives: ageing

“Would you like a receipt with that?”

Everyone knows the line about working in fast food: “Would you like fries with that?” Fast food restaurants train their young employees to ask that question every time. One question they apparently do not train their employees to ask is … Continue reading

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Went to the doctor the other day for the annual physical and got a “clean bill of health.” He told me my sugar, cholesterol, liver, kidneys and everything else was just fine. About the worst he could say was that … Continue reading

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I’m getting,  ready to have a birthday soon, and even though I am not yet going to be 60, I’m getting close.  I found this quote by Al Stewart, one of my favorite musicians (you may know him from his hit, … Continue reading

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Every weekend,I check the on-screen TV “guide” to see what shows or movies might be on that I want to watch or record for later viewing. Today I see that the movie “Paulie” is going to be on a little … Continue reading

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Russ and I have been watching Buffy together from Season 1 Episode 1, and at the moment we are barely at the beginning of Season 3. So lots and lots of goog stuff yet to come! First I have to … Continue reading

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Closer has arrived, and is fast becoming one of my favorite BTE CD’s—tho they are ALL my favorite in some way. Sort of like your kids, you don’t have one favorite, you love them all, but for different reasons. It’s … Continue reading

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