Tag Archives: alabama


Last year our football team won the National Championship. This year we did not do so good. Well, we lost three games.  In almost anyone else’s book, that would still qualify as a pretty good season, but for Crimson Tide … Continue reading

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Last week I had opportunity to go into the campus bookstore, which of course has a lot more than just books, and I saw these delightful teapots: I adore them both, but I think I am partial to the one … Continue reading

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At the risk of being ridiculed for expressing joy over something as ordinary and everyday as football, I feel compelled to say: WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!! WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!! WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!! It may not mean much in … Continue reading

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I’m enjoying my “Snow Day,” tho so far we haven’t had much snow, and I’m starting to think this has really been much ado about nothing. Sigh… But at least I got a day off, and it’s given me a … Continue reading

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It’s been almost two months now since I got to Northport, and in that time I have not yet really gotten homesick. There have been a few isolated incidents, but no overwhelming feelings. I had another incident today. So I … Continue reading

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Yes, I am still alive. In fact, my life has been so busy these past several months, that’s why I have not been writing here that much. But now everything is much changed, and along with those changes I am … Continue reading

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When was the last time I was here? It’s been a while. Well, here I am. I mean, I’ve been here all along, of course, I just haven’t been posting, but perhaps now as things are changing in my life, … Continue reading

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