Tag Archives: appalled


I just saw a commercial for a new product. Apparently Hershey’s is now making their famous “Kiss” candies with a new and exciting ingredient….air! Yep, that’s right. They infuse the chocolate with air, so that it’s….fluffier, I guess? But still … Continue reading

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I’m getting a little tired of seeing these disclaimers all over TV, you know the ones I mean: an advertisement for a new car driving down a curvy mountain road and in the small print below: “Professional Driver on a … Continue reading

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As I mentioned last time, Russ and I have been following the Casey Anthony trial, and as everyone knows by this time, the verdict has come back as Not Guilty.  Everyone else has been expressing their outrage and concern, so … Continue reading

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This is going to be one of those “I’m appalled!” posts. The other day I went into McDonald’s for my standing order lunch of a side salad and iced tea, and saw that they were recalling the Shrek glasses. I … Continue reading

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First, there was Buffet City, way out in the south part of Tuscaloosa. It’s a Chinese Buffet, and actually quite good. So imagine our delight, when we found out that they would be opening another restaurant in the north end … Continue reading

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This is the piece of furniture that is going to be delivered to our house tomorrow afternoon. This is, in fact, the VERY piece of furniture. We are accepting delivery of the floor model. You see, about a month ago, … Continue reading

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Working in Alabama, I have opportunity to deal with a lot of people from Birmingham. Now, Birmingham is not the capital of Alabama, but it is the biggest city in the state. However, this does not mean it is the … Continue reading

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