Tag Archives: books


Yesterday I finished reading C.S. Lewis’ Perelandra. At some point in the future I will move on to reading the third book in this trilogy, That Hideous Strength. I first read these books in college, so this is a re-reading … Continue reading

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Writer’s Block: Reconsidering Children’s Books

Several years ago I re-read The Catcher in the Rye, which I had originally read as a teenager. When I read it as a teenager, I thought Holden Caulfield was SO COOL!!! When I read it in my 40’s, he … Continue reading

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I just read Mary’s list of what makes her happy, and I was inspired to make my own. So, for whatever it’s worth, this is what makes me happy, and pretty much in this order: 1. Jesus. If you don’t … Continue reading

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Today I saw…a woman in the Wal Mart parking lot who was wearing her shirt inside out. She wasn’t a punk kid trying to make a revolutionary fashion statement. She was a middle aged woman wearing a white shirt with … Continue reading

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We just had an Unfortunate Event of Squee getting sick and having to take him to the vet, which cost $267 (yikes!), and he still does not seem up to par, though I think he is on the right path. … Continue reading

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