Tag Archives: florida


Well! I’ve got this beautiful new website, and I’m not using it! It’s always my intention to write in my journal, but too often I find I do not have the time. That needs to stop. As always, there is … Continue reading

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Wow, I’m not really keeping up here very well, am I? Well, part of the reason is that last week I was on vacation in Florida. Really, it was two weeks ago now. I’ve been back home and back and … Continue reading

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It’s been almost two months now since I got to Northport, and in that time I have not yet really gotten homesick. There have been a few isolated incidents, but no overwhelming feelings. I had another incident today. So I … Continue reading

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It was nice to have a day off and really nothing to do but putter around the house and get all kinds of little things done. When my environment is a mess, I feel a mess, and when I straigten … Continue reading

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