Tag Archives: fun


I love finding new music. Sometimes I come a little late to the party, but…better late than never! If I’m understanding this correctly, this band, Fall Out Boy, has already disbanded. But they’ve left behind a number of really fun … Continue reading

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Russ and I are on vacation this week, and since we couldn’t get to Florida on account of Boogins still not being 100%, and we didn’t want to leave his mom looking after a potentially puking and inappropriately-pooping cat for … Continue reading

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Wow, I’m not really keeping up here very well, am I? Well, part of the reason is that last week I was on vacation in Florida. Really, it was two weeks ago now. I’ve been back home and back and … Continue reading

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Got a lot of comment on my latest entires, so I am encouraged to post again. Just thought I’d put this out into the Universe, because I’m not really sure if I have yet, in writing. If ever I should … Continue reading

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Just a thought: wouldn’t it be great to go live in another place where everybody talked English, but with a different accent than yours, so that when they heard you talking they would all think YOU had the coolest accent … Continue reading

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