Tag Archives: life


Yesterday morning when I put the trash out for pickup, I looked up in the sky and saw a rainbow..a full arc rainbow, going right over our house. When I went inside and looked out the window to the backyard, … Continue reading

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Why does there never seem to be enough time for the things I want to do? I’m not talking about ALL the things I want to do. Just some of them. Maybe even one thing, something as simple as writing … Continue reading

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I know it’s been a long, long time since I have written here, but perhaps I am not yet ready to hang up thathobbitlady. I would like to see if I can start to be more active here again, to … Continue reading

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The subtitle on my journal has always been “In the world, but not of it.” I have always felt that way, just slightly out of the mainstream. And something happened the other day that really brought that home to me. … Continue reading

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