Tag Archives: music


I just saw a commercial for a new product. Apparently Hershey’s is now making their famous “Kiss” candies with a new and exciting ingredient….air! Yep, that’s right. They infuse the chocolate with air, so that it’s….fluffier, I guess? But still … Continue reading

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I love finding new music. Sometimes I come a little late to the party, but…better late than never! If I’m understanding this correctly, this band, Fall Out Boy, has already disbanded. But they’ve left behind a number of really fun … Continue reading

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Okay, how weird is this? I’m sitting in Arby’s having my lunch and listening to music on my MP3. A song comes on, Feeling Good, and it’s by Muse. Cool. Only I’m thinking a song like this would not usually … Continue reading

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This is just about one of the coolest things I have ever seen on the internet. My thanks to Mary for finding this and passing it on. Click here for the video, The Poetry of Reality, or any of the … Continue reading

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Well, we did it. We joined a gym. It’s very close to where we work, and has lots of new-looking equipment, and about a dozen TV screens so you can pick what you want to watch while doing cardio. That’s … Continue reading

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Okay, here’s a dilemma. I recently “discovered” a singer I really like. A Brit pop star, Robbie Williams. Actually, I’ve known a little bit about him for a short while, because I used to hear some of his music on … Continue reading

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Closer has arrived, and is fast becoming one of my favorite BTE CD’s—tho they are ALL my favorite in some way. Sort of like your kids, you don’t have one favorite, you love them all, but for different reasons. It’s … Continue reading

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Well, I have officially hit 25 pounds lost in the last five months. And believe me, I’m feeling it. All of the sudden today, I just felt….lighter…..smaller. It’s an incredible feeling! It really did come upon me suddenly. I remember … Continue reading

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And Ramen Noodles at 4:30 in the morning, When we barely could survive, I was never more alive. For my birthday I have received a Better Than Ezra CD that contains a song that contains the above lyrics, which jumped … Continue reading

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Now might be a good time to tell the story about how I got into BTE so much. It’s kind of funny, actually, how one thing leads to another. I would have to take this all the way back to … Continue reading

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