Tag Archives: random


Very often, when I put things away, like my laptop computer, or headphones, or phone charger, the cords are fine. I may bundle them up a little for storage, but I certainly don’t stop to tie them in knots! Yet … Continue reading

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Every now and then I run into signs that truly baffle me. Here are a couple more: Okay, first this container of Bacos that advises you to “Refrigerate After Opening…for added freshness and convenience.” Now, it’s always been my understanding … Continue reading

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I’m getting a little tired of seeing these disclaimers all over TV, you know the ones I mean: an advertisement for a new car driving down a curvy mountain road and in the small print below: “Professional Driver on a … Continue reading

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Came into work this morning after an awe-inspiring thunderstorm last night, and this is what we found: We had a Flash Flood Warning on our weather-scanner last night, and I guess some places did indeed flood. Not our house, thank … Continue reading

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Lately it seems that I am always hearing a train go by. It used to only happen when I would go outside at work so I could make a call on my cell phone…then, of course, the train (which runs … Continue reading

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The subtitle on my journal has always been “In the world, but not of it.” I have always felt that way, just slightly out of the mainstream. And something happened the other day that really brought that home to me. … Continue reading

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