Tag Archives: tv


We’re so excited! For the last month or so we’ve been contemplating the idea of doing a podcast on the Dark Shadows soap opera from the late 1960’s.  Russ and I are both big fans of the series, and when … Continue reading

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As I mentioned last time, Russ and I have been following the Casey Anthony trial, and as everyone knows by this time, the verdict has come back as Not Guilty.  Everyone else has been expressing their outrage and concern, so … Continue reading

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Russ and I have just finished watching the third season of the British import Jeeves and Wooster. I’m afraid I didn’t give this season as much attention as I should have, as our other two entertainments in the rotation were … Continue reading

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Hey! Russ and I have taken the leap and finally joined Netflix! We’ve been mulling this decision over for a while, but wanted to wait until we felt we would have more time available in our schedule to really take … Continue reading

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Russ and I have been watching Lost. We watch it on DVD, one season at a time. Right now we are in the middle of season five, and six is the last one. This is the kind of show where … Continue reading

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I was going to write about Glee, and how it has become one of my favorite shows of all time, and who is my favorite character, and what were the most inspirational moments this past season. But then I found … Continue reading

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Oh, btw, have I mentioned…? I’m a gleek. More on this later.

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A short time ago I happened to see this on TV and found it quite amusing. Before you watch, you might like to know that once upon a time Robert Downey Jr. portrayed Charlie Chaplin in a movie. The rest … Continue reading

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Let me start be saying that this is going to be somewhat of a rant. Read at your own risk. *** A few weeks ago I wrote here about a new show I’ve been watching called My Life as Liz. … Continue reading

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It bothered me that when I posted last time about the inaccuracies on our local newscast, I could not remember more specific examples. So yesterday, amidst watching the Olympics, I stopped to look at the news for about twenty minutes. … Continue reading

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