Tag Archives: tv


The local newscast we watch each morning has as its slogan: “Where Accuracy Matters.” Well, I don’t think anyone would argue that we would all like our news reports to be accurate, but don’t you think that if you make … Continue reading

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Well, we did it. We joined a gym. It’s very close to where we work, and has lots of new-looking equipment, and about a dozen TV screens so you can pick what you want to watch while doing cardio. That’s … Continue reading

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Okay. Here is a question. Does art exist in a vacuum? I remember starting off one of my college papers with the statement “Art does not exist in a vacuum” and my teacher made some snide comments in the margin … Continue reading

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It seems like it’s been such a long, long time since I’ve updated here. Well, it seems that way, and I guess it actually has been. But things are about to change, and for what better reason than this….a Buffy … Continue reading

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Russ and I are midway through the finale of Buffy’s Season 3, Graduation Day. Much afoot! And I am sure I will be able to discuss this issue much more intelligently once I have gotten all the way through Graduation … Continue reading

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Russ and I have been watching Buffy together from Season 1 Episode 1, and at the moment we are barely at the beginning of Season 3. So lots and lots of goog stuff yet to come! First I have to … Continue reading

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Just a quick note to say that I have decided to give up couponing, because I just do not have time for it anymore, and it simply isn’t worth the trouble. It has been so liberating to be able to … Continue reading

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Okay, this thing is officially out of control. At the end of Day 22, I am up to about 58,000 words. I am long past the issue of whether or not I am going to make 50,000 words. The real … Continue reading

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I am reading the book No Plot? No Problem! by Chris Baty, who created NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and I am on fire for this project! This guy has the most (if you’ll pardon the pun) NOVEL ideas about … Continue reading

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Mr. Monk Smells the Cheese

Now that I have a journal, I’m wondering what I should write about. What happens during my day is generally pretty BORING most of the time, so boring that even I probably couldn’t stand to read about it. So that’s … Continue reading

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