Tag Archives: weather


Yesterday morning when I put the trash out for pickup, I looked up in the sky and saw a rainbow..a full arc rainbow, going right over our house. When I went inside and looked out the window to the backyard, … Continue reading

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Came into work this morning after an awe-inspiring thunderstorm last night, and this is what we found: We had a Flash Flood Warning on our weather-scanner last night, and I guess some places did indeed flood. Not our house, thank … Continue reading

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We are forecast to get snow tomorrow. As a result of this forecast, the University is shutting down. All “non-essential personnel” have been instructed to NOT go to work tomorrow. Yippeee! Tonight Russ and his dad figured out how to … Continue reading

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Well, we did it. We joined a gym. It’s very close to where we work, and has lots of new-looking equipment, and about a dozen TV screens so you can pick what you want to watch while doing cardio. That’s … Continue reading

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It was nice to have a day off and really nothing to do but putter around the house and get all kinds of little things done. When my environment is a mess, I feel a mess, and when I straigten … Continue reading

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