
Down from yesterday, but not yet back to the “pre-popcorn” weight. Yesterday I ate very well, and went to the gym. The only thing I did wrong was eat dinner quite late, about 7:15. But I ate tuna and veggies, so why should that be bad, even if it late? You see, it is so freaking HOT now, that even with all the a/c units running in the house, it still takes a good long while for everything to cool down till its bearable, and the kitchen has no a/c, so it’s especially unbearable until later in the day. I am really considering that it just might be altogether more pleasant to go out for dinner during these dog days of summer, than to try to do anything in the hot kitchen. Even if it’s just a side salad at McD and a $ iced tea…hmmm….yeah, I’d much prefer having to spend a couple of dollars to having to do anything resembling cooking in the hot kitchen.

But to get back on track, I guess this is a good weight, tho I had been hoping for a steeper drop. But today is another day. Onward!

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One Response to BACK TO THE EGG

  1. aravis_1382 says:

    OMG! Tuna, sweet tea! Those aren’t good for you! Well, the tuna is, but not the mayo and the tea is but not the sugar.

    Then again, if anyone went by MY list of healthy foods, like 90% of the foods out there would be off as “bad for you”. lol They’de be eating nothing but veggies and fruits and fish.

    I guess the trick is to find foods that are MOSTLY good for you because other than raw veggies, nothing can be purely healthy, right?

    Hang in there! You’ll get back to pre popcorn weight soon. πŸ™‚

    Also, I wanted to suggest something. Around the end of August or the beginning of September, you should try a 7-day Whole Body Cleansing regimen. They sell them at GNC (there is a BOGO1/2OFF sale at GNC right now, so now is the time to buy them.) You are supposed to do these things 1-4 times per year. They clean out parasites and bad flora and general junk from all different systems in your body and help promote the production of healthy flora. They totally clean you out. Some of the beneficial side effects are they clear up your skin, reduce bloating and water weight (giving you a flatter stomach and a little weight loss), and give you more energy.

    Joey is doing one right now and says its been alright, but I am more used to/knowledgeable about what to expect with these types of detox things since I use herbal remedies and stuff frequently. I am getting ready to try the GNC brand one, I’ll let you know how it works. πŸ™‚

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